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Figure c21/f001
Figure 21.1
The stem cell and the blood cells that arise from it. Source : Dougherty and Lister ( ).
Figure c21/f005
Figure 21.5
(a) Preparation of aspiration smears. (b) Completed aspiration smear. Source : Dougherty and Lister ( ).
Figure c21/f009
Figure 21.9
Peripheral venous access for cell separator procedures. Source : Dougherty and Lister ( ).
Figure c21/f002
Figure 21.2
Common sites for bone marrow examination, arranged in order of preference. Normally, only aspirations and not biopsies are done on the sternum because...
Figure c21/f006
Figure 21.6
Trephine biopsy sample. Source : Dougherty and Lister ( ).
Figure c21/f010
Figure 21.10
The safe use of ribavirin (Virazole®) – administration record sheet.
Figure c21/f003
Figure 21.3
Patient lying in the left lateral position, with the head to the left, exposing the lower back and gluteal region with the right posterior iliac crest...
Figure c21/f007
Figure 21.7
Bone marrow biopsy equipment including antiseptic skin cleaning agent with sponge applicator, selection of syringes for bone marrow sampling and admin...
Figure c21/f011
Figure 21.11
Nurse wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) for the administration of ribavirin.
Figure c21/f004
Figure 21.4
Aspiration of bone marrow from the marrow cavity. Source : Dougherty and Lister ( ).
Figure c21/f008
Figure 21.8
(a) Optia™ cell separator machine during stem cell collection procedure. (b) Therakos Celex™ photophoresis machine.